Our weeks on the mission are pretty basic. Mon-Fri we go to the office and work from the minute we land until our eyes are buggy and we head home around or after 5 pm. Saturdays are filled with necessities like shopping for food, doing laundry, cleaning a bit (we have our wonderful helper Bobby that comes once a week to do the heavy cleaning), and once in a while we plan in a movie on the weekend! We also take time to work out physically each day because sitting at our desks for so long can really take a toll on the body! We really do live a simple life here in Ghana.
Some of the spiritual highlights are: "Monday Morning Devotional" (all church employees and senior missionaries are invited to attend) where we hear an uplifting message from someone in the Africa West Area (we have 12 active countries of 17) either in person or by Zoom for those not in Accra. There is always an opening hymn that almost lifts you out of your seat as the saints here sing with every fiber of their soul! On Wednesdays the senior sister missionaries have "Sister Scripture Study" where we each take turns teaching the class, usually a conference talk or other uplifting material. This is a great opportunity to learn from each other as so much sharing takes place during this gathering. So much wisdom to glean from! We also do our best to attend the temple once each week. We feel blessed to have a temple SO close! Without fail, we can look out of our 4th story window, which faces the temple, and see many many families on the steps of the temple having pictures all in white, having just been sealed together for eternity. Their faces beam with such joy!!
On Sundays, we have the privilege of attending church to partake of the Sacrament and think about our personal covenants with our God. Every single week, the messages we hear inspire me to want to do better. From the mouths of the young to the wisdom of the old, we hear profound gospel truths. Jesus Christ is alive and well in the hearts of the people here in Africa!!
Some thoughts from past moments along the journey here:
Choices need to be made with God in mind. 1 Nephi 15: 8 -10 Have ye inquired of the Lord? God cannot answer if we do not ask! When we don't follow and heed the commandments, the Lord cannot give us answers. God can help us solve all confusion, issues and problems if we will go to Him and ask! D&C 101:78 - Our moral agency makes us accountable before God. Humble ourselves, seek for forgiveness, and God will forgive and guide us forward.
Fear Not - Believe only. The Savior of the World offers the most eternally significant way to both find good, and do good, at such a needful time as this. There will always be someone with the motto: "It is always darkest just before it goes pitch black." What a miserable existence. We may want to run away from everything. We must never run away from who we are - children of the living God who loves us, is ready to forgive us, and who will never forsake us. We are God's most beloved possession. He has given us prophets, promises, spiritual gifts and revelations, miracles and messages, and angels on both sides of the veil to assist us. We must minister to each other at every opportunity we can. Find those that are seeking for help and guidance, who need our love and strength to carry them through this difficult life. We all have the Light of Christ planted in our soul. It is the influence for good in the hearts of all who live. The light protects and teaches us. Life is the most precious of all gifts, obtained eternally through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
"Grow Your Tree in 2023!" This is part of the Africa West Area mission for 2023. Family History connects families, past, present and future! James E. Faust said, "It is a joy to become acquainted with our forebearers." We can unlock the knowledge of ourselves by finding out more about our ancestors.
Elder Kyungu (Africa West Area 2 counselor) - D&C 128 - Doing the work for our ancestors is a matter of salvation. We need them and they need us! My father came to me in a dream and told me to go to the temple and do ordinances for him. This work is so very important.
Elder Nielsen (Africa West Area president) - Whatever is important to the Lord is important to the prophet. He wants us to do family history! We must grow and gather scattered Israel! President Nelson wants everyone to understand the power of the Book of Mormon. It talks about gathering scattered Israel everywhere. Everything we do leads us to the temple. Stay on the Covenant path! Everyone has a miraculous family history! Discover your story!
Doodles in my journal.. Family Tree and my personal Cairn, pointing heavenward!
And lest anyone thinks we are wasting away here in Africa... our favorite Burger place called RoccoMamas!!
Cheers from Ghana!!! 💓💛💚