Monday, June 19, 2023

Week 22 - An Apostle's Visit - Elder Gong Week & A Giant Nest


We had a very full week!  Elder Gerrit W. Gong and his wife Susan have been in Africa West Area all week.  It all started Sunday with a youth fireside.  Our Trade Fair Ward invited anyone interested to attend so we decided to head over Sunday afternoon to listen in.  But once we arrived, it was clear there would be NO room for anyone, including a large portion of youth who stood in overflow areas to listen while standing.  It was quite a sight to behold!  Youth arrived in vans and vehicles loaded to the gills. And they just kept coming!  It was so beautiful to watch these faithful youth, many of whom had traveled for hours and hours, to come and listen to an apostle of God.  My heart was full just watching this scene from a distance.  

Elder Gong Missionary Gathering

400+ Missionaries from Accra Mission and Accra West Mission gathered to hear Elder Gong this week.  Because we fall under the Accra Mission, all the senior couples were also invited.  Messages from this meeting:

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ3 Nephi 5:13; 2 Nephi 24: 23 & 26  
Priorities are key!  We must put things in order.  Put first things first! We must put Christ first in all we do.  Our most important relationships should be first!

Elder Gong told a story about Elder Holland and Elder Cook being mission companions long ago.  They still care for and take care of each other.  

We should learn to love things our "companions" and those around us love.  

Be generous in being your best self!  Give your best to others!

I fulfill prophecy every day - Jospeh Smith History 1:33
He called me by name... and said God had a work for me to do.
37 countries are represented in this gathering of missionaries.
Every day, the work rolls forward!  The missionaries fulfill prophecy!
We boldly, but humbly, share the gospel! 

I stand in holy places - D&C 87:8; D&C 119 & 120
Be not moved!  Surround yourself with goodness.  Pray for guidance every day. Become the temple - holy.  The temple isn't just a place to go, it is a place to meet God.  Heaven meets earth in the temple!

After this missionary devotional, Elder & Sister Gong had pictures taken with every group of missionaries.  We all lined up on the temple steps, one group after another. 

Elder Gong Employee Devotional

Jordan's observations led him to say, "Elder Gong is the people's apostle!"  It's true!  Before every gathering, Elder Gong spent time shaking everyone's hand and talking with them.  He wanders around, engaging with everyone before, during, and after the meeting. 

To the employess of the church who were gathered at this devotional (and us senior missionaries were invited to this one also), he said:

"We have a great admiration and respect for the work you do for the church.  There is unity in diversity, and diversity in unity.

The greatest contribution we can make in this life, comes from our character.

Thank you for your heart, soul, might and strength.  For everything you bring to the Lord in your service here." 


There is a giant nest outside our office window on the 3rd floor.  Huge birds fly in and out of it all day long.  I'm waiting to see baby birds poking their heads up any day!  There is such beauty in nature.  Here is a look from a couple of different views:

We love our mission!  We are learning and hopefully growing, each and every day. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Week 21 - Rainy Season, Secret Handshake, Phrases and other Traditions

Can you say cooler weather!!??!!  There has been a significant drop in heat over the past week.  We are definitely headed into the coolest part of the year.  Apparently, it lasts from about the end of May through the end of August.  We shall see!  It is nice to walk out in the morning and it's only 83 degrees!  I can't say there is any less humidity, because there isn't! ;)  But we will take the cooler temps any day!  Plus, the wettest months of the year are supposedly April, May & June and we have definitley had our fair share of deluge!  When it rains, it POURS!!  It is heaven!  The frogs love it so much, they start croaking in the middle of the day! 


After being in Ghana for only a short time, we realized there was something AWESOME about shaking hands here.  The West African Handshake used in Ghana, is where the middle finger snaps the middle finger of the person you are greeting.  The louder it snaps, the better!  And it is ok to try again to get a better snap!  It shows your affection and ease for the friendship or acquaintance you have, or intend to create.  It has taken us a little time to figure it out, but I can say now, we are getting pretty good at the secret handshake.  It is delightful!  I love it so much!!  A thousand words are spoken in a simple meeting of palm to palm, then wrapping hands around each other's thumbs, then back to palms, with a final and gentle slide out to middle fingers as they meet at the tips and snap a perfect and harmonious sound of joy.  It is the BEST! 

Another delightful part of living in a foreign country, is learning to embrace a new way of life and traditions, including phrases you may or may not understand.

AKWAABA means WELCOME in the truest sense of the word.  It is a Twi word spoken by the Akan tribe in Ghana.  The phrase is used to welcome someone coming to a foreign land. It is heartfelt and shows honor, respect and love, letting the visitor know they will be taken care of and treated kindly.  We have truly felt this kindness since arriving in Ghana.  

YOU ARE WELCOME can be heard several times a day.  At first it seems a little strange, since I haven't done anything to receive help and given thanks....yet.  But upon closer evaluation, it is obvious this phrase has a deeper meaning.  As you walk into someone's office you hear - You are Welcome!  As you meet friends in their home - You are Welcome!  As we arrive at a restaurant - You are Welcome!  In short, we are heartily Welcomed wherever we go!  This is a beautiful characteristic of the Ghanaian people.  They sincerely welcome you into their lives and world!

"Off the light" = turn off the light = "I offed it!"
"On the light" = turn on the light = "Have you oned it?"
"It is finished" = there is no more, we are out of that product, we don't have anymore of that! They usually wave a hand across the air as they say this.
"Yes please" = yes = "Is this the way to the store?" Answer: "Yes please."  Is your name Dennis?" Answer: "Yes please."
"No please" = no = "Did you receive my email?" Answer: "No please."  "Do you have any bananas? Answer: "No please. It is finished!"
"Small small" = a tiny amount or a little bit = "I'm learning to speak English small small."
"Spoiled" = it is broken
"Late" = means someone has passed away/died.
"I hear" = I understand = "Please, I hear."
"I am coming" = they are planning to come at some point but doesn't mean they are on their way. ;)
"We are 4" = there are 4 of us
"So much grateful" = means very very grateful.
"Shine" = to get credit for something = "I took the shine."
"Are you planning to be at the meeting?" = you are speaking or teaching at the meeting even if you haven't been formally asked! ;)

So many fun phrases to get used to here!  They are so so so polite!  And so so so soft spoken!  Many times you can barely hear them!





Today in our Trade Fair Ward, we had excellent speakers.  We always have excellent speakers!  They just get right to the point and share absolute truth.  No messin' about, they say it like it is.  I love it!  Some thoughts from today...

Continue in and abide in the Savior's love.  We will receive His grace if we are obedient.

With seemingly insurmountable problems in the world today, there has never been a greater need for God's love to be shared everywhere, with everyone.

We show our love to God through missionary work, tithes and offerings & ministering to others.

Wherever there is love, there is unity.  Be one with God!  Do His work!  Be unified in the work.  Be united in purporse. 

Inquire of the Lord - whenever we have something difficult, ask God.  God is merciful and will answer us. 

When we live by the teachings and commandments of God, life will be glorious.  We will still have difficulties and problems, but life will still be bless-ed!!

Pray for each other, pray for all mankind!  Pray for God's will to be done in all things.  Pray with diligence, in full faith!

Appreciate others and find ways to help and support them, asking that God's will be done.  

WE love Africa!  We are learning so much, each and every day.  Thanks for your love and support!!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Week 20 - Cape Coast Adventure

First and foremost, thank you all for your prayers of faith and well wishes.  We aren't completely out of the woods yet, but things are looking up.  Life throws obstacles at us constantly, and it is what we do in response that makes all the difference. Being surrounded by the support of family and friends makes the burdens bearable. 


We needed a little R&R this weekend, so ventured off with some fairly new OGC (legal office w/ us) missionaries, Gary & Sherry White, to meet some MTC missionary friends, Clint & Shelly Waite, in their mission area of Cape Coast. This beautiful location is rich in history for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Before heading off on a church history tour, we stopped by the infamous Cape Coast Castle, used in the beginning for merchants and trading, but unfortunately later as a place where slaves were kept and sold. It sits among a crowded community of families, living life on the edge of the ocean. The handcrafted boats, busy fishermen, industrious mothers and playful children are beautiful. Check out the boys playing foosball! They have nothing, but they have everything.



For 14 years, Joseph William "Billy" Johnson wanted to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but couldn't. He was "converted" by the Book of Mormon as a 30 yr old in 1964. However, he lived in West Africa, 7,000 miles from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. There were no missionaries or priesthood holders in this area. 

Billy Johnson wrote many letters to successive Church presidents asking for missionaries. He built a large congregation of fellow believers in the town of Cape Coast, Ghana. Despite persecution from others in his country, he founded nine other congregations in nearby towns. He registered an unofficial version of the faith with the national government. President David O. McKay wrote back to Johnson, encouraging him to continue and promising that the Church would arrive in Ghana someday despite a restriction announced in 1852 that blacks could not hold the priesthood or receive temple blessings. One account recalls members passing around a Book of Mormon that was so used, its pages were folded and dark. Members exchanged it and read for a few minutes at a time before passing it along to another faithful believer.  

By June 1978, the anticipation was excruciating. Johnson’s congregation of around 1000 was not alone. Black Africans had been petitioning for the organization of the Church in their countries since the late 1940s. By the mid-1960s, more than 16,000 people were waiting for the Church in more than 60 congregations in Ghana and Nigeria, according to a devotional given by BYU Church History professor Dale LeBaron.

Missionaries finally arrived in Ghana in 1978.  Billy Johnson and dozens of others came to a place that would become known as ‘Baptism Beach.’ It was here they joined a mass baptismal service the day after missionaries arrived.

We visited Baptism Beach. It was a drizzly day with rain coming down steadily. Although the sand is long gone, garbage is piled everywhere, and a cement platform where fishermen come to prepare their catch has been added, the beauty of the area remains. It just takes some perfect angling of the camera lens and imagination of how it must have been for these faithful followers of Jesus Christ, finally able to receive baptism. 

We also visited Cocoa House (an old cocoa warehouse, no longer used), the first location for the gathering "Saints" before they could be baptized. 


We spent the remainder of the weekend at the the Ko-Sa Resort, eating good food, walking the beach, watching fishermen cast their nets, sitting and talking under the palm trees as it rained. It was beautiful and peaceful, just what the doctor ordered. Take time to "Sharpen the Saw" or you will be hacking away with a dull tool!


Sunday morning we got up early and headed off to worship with the Komenda Branch, a sweet congregation of about 80 people, back in the countryside. We traveled on muddy and bumpy roads to reach our destination. Glad we had 4-wheel drive! It was well worth the effort to meet these precious Saints and listen to their faithful testimonies. They meet in a humble building, with straw mats for the roof and fans spinning to keep it cooler. A young man on a keyboard was quite impressive, as he played the hymns mostly by memory and quite well I might add.  At the end of sacrament meeting, as if on cue, everyone picked up their chairs, placed them on their heads and headed for the Sunday School classrom in an adjoining building. We caught a few pictures after this great experience.

Life is good as we know it here in Ghana! Find something to be grateful for in your life!! It never is as bad as it sometimes feels, and there is so much to be thankful for in this big, beautiful world!!

Weeks 74-78 - Safari & Homeward Bound

  Well, it seems as though the last 4 weeks have flown by! Not to mention the last 18 months! All in all and looking back, the time has pass...