After being in Ghana for only a short time, we realized there was something AWESOME about shaking hands here. The West African Handshake used in Ghana, is where the middle finger snaps the middle finger of the person you are greeting. The louder it snaps, the better! And it is ok to try again to get a better snap! It shows your affection and ease for the friendship or acquaintance you have, or intend to create. It has taken us a little time to figure it out, but I can say now, we are getting pretty good at the secret handshake. It is delightful! I love it so much!! A thousand words are spoken in a simple meeting of palm to palm, then wrapping hands around each other's thumbs, then back to palms, with a final and gentle slide out to middle fingers as they meet at the tips and snap a perfect and harmonious sound of joy. It is the BEST!
Another delightful part of living in a foreign country, is learning to embrace a new way of life and traditions, including phrases you may or may not understand.
AKWAABA means WELCOME in the truest sense of the word. It is a Twi word spoken by the Akan tribe in Ghana. The phrase is used to welcome someone coming to a foreign land. It is heartfelt and shows honor, respect and love, letting the visitor know they will be taken care of and treated kindly. We have truly felt this kindness since arriving in Ghana.
YOU ARE WELCOME can be heard several times a day. At first it seems a little strange, since I haven't done anything to receive help and given thanks....yet. But upon closer evaluation, it is obvious this phrase has a deeper meaning. As you walk into someone's office you hear - You are Welcome! As you meet friends in their home - You are Welcome! As we arrive at a restaurant - You are Welcome! In short, we are heartily Welcomed wherever we go! This is a beautiful characteristic of the Ghanaian people. They sincerely welcome you into their lives and world!
"Off the light" = turn off the light = "I offed it!"
"On the light" = turn on the light = "Have you oned it?"
"It is finished" = there is no more, we are out of that product, we don't have anymore of that! They usually wave a hand across the air as they say this.
"Yes please" = yes = "Is this the way to the store?" Answer: "Yes please." Is your name Dennis?" Answer: "Yes please."
"No please" = no = "Did you receive my email?" Answer: "No please." "Do you have any bananas? Answer: "No please. It is finished!"
"Small small" = a tiny amount or a little bit = "I'm learning to speak English small small."
"Spoiled" = it is broken
"Late" = means someone has passed away/died.
"I hear" = I understand = "Please, I hear."
"I am coming" = they are planning to come at some point but doesn't mean they are on their way. ;)
"We are 4" = there are 4 of us
"So much grateful" = means very very grateful.
"Shine" = to get credit for something = "I took the shine."
"Are you planning to be at the meeting?" = you are speaking or teaching at the meeting even if you haven't been formally asked! ;)
So many fun phrases to get used to here! They are so so so polite! And so so so soft spoken! Many times you can barely hear them!
Today in our Trade Fair Ward, we had excellent speakers. We always have excellent speakers! They just get right to the point and share absolute truth. No messin' about, they say it like it is. I love it! Some thoughts from today...
Continue in and abide in the Savior's love. We will receive His grace if we are obedient.
With seemingly insurmountable problems in the world today, there has never been a greater need for God's love to be shared everywhere, with everyone.
We show our love to God through missionary work, tithes and offerings & ministering to others.
Wherever there is love, there is unity. Be one with God! Do His work! Be unified in the work. Be united in purporse.
Inquire of the Lord - whenever we have something difficult, ask God. God is merciful and will answer us.
When we live by the teachings and commandments of God, life will be glorious. We will still have difficulties and problems, but life will still be bless-ed!!
Pray for each other, pray for all mankind! Pray for God's will to be done in all things. Pray with diligence, in full faith!
Appreciate others and find ways to help and support them, asking that God's will be done.
WE love Africa! We are learning so much, each and every day. Thanks for your love and support!!
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