Sunday, August 13, 2023

Week 30 - Daily Life, Caring for those in Need & Empower Playgrounds

It is difficult to believe we have been here almost 7 months!  Time is going quickly and we will soon be at our half-way mark.  Crazy! 

Daily life hasn't changed too much.  We get up, work out, go to work, come home, eat dinner and crash.  Can life really be that simple?  Well, in between all of those normal daily routines, are a whole host of intricate details that keep our spirits alive!  

We meet new people almost every day.  We may hear an inspiring story of their life, or a tragic tale of their experiences.  We see hungry and homeless, lame and disabled.  Children begging on the streets for their very existence from day to day.  But what we do not see is defeat.  In the eyes of those we encounter, there seems to be a strong resolve to survive, despite the current circumstances that surround them and their lives.  We see smiles and grateful lips and eyes.  Always a generous and immediate thank you for anything given.  

We truly stand in awe of the beautiful people here in Ghana.  So much to seemingly be depressed and anxious about, and yet, so much love and graciousness abounds. We are so blessed to be here. 


"The two great commandments can guide us: first, to love God and, second, to love our neighbor. We show our love by serving."
— President Russell M. Nelson

I feel honored to be a part of a religious organization that values so much the well-being of others.  Serving and giving to those in need is an important part of God's work on this earth. 

"Church members seek out those in need and render aid to all God’s children without regard to religious affiliation, race, or nationality. The Church, its members, and its friends have combined their donations with volunteer efforts to relieve suffering and build self-reliance around the world."

I really enjoyed looking through this report.  To learn more about these efforts, check out the 2022 Annual Report on Caring for Those in Need.

We met some amazing friends long ago in Tokyo.  Ben & Julie Markham are changing the lives of so many individuals in Africa!!  My heart is so grateful to them for all they are doing.  We happened to run into Ben a couple of months ago as we were in the airport.  He was with his team and had just spent more time making a difference in more areas of Ghana.  It was obvious they were tired and well-spent.  But their faces showed absolute joy for having been working so hard to make life sustaining changes in villages here.  I would love to see them at work!    

Their mission is fulfilled through programs of providing light, promoting wellness, and augmenting education. Many schools in rural Ghana have no access to electricity, books, clean water, menstrual products, or electronic devices. They strive to give each student these resources so they can not only stay in school, but gain a better education through improved knowledge and learning methods.

Watch a video of Ben explaining this amazing work here.  

Since 2008, the impact has been INCREDIBLE!!!
22,000+ Students helped
62 Merry-go-rounds
21,000 Lanterns
23 Classroom Blocks
16 Libraries
7 Computer Labs
12 Boreholes
1,661 Reusable menstrual kits
390 Science kits
28 Sanitation projects
56 Homes with electricity

See more here and here!  

We can be God's Hands here on earth.  It doesn't take much!  A willing heart and mind, finding how best to make YOUR difference in the world!

Thank you to ALL who serve God's children throughout this big, beautiful world!  You are my heroes!!!!

Children study with lanterns powered by the merry-go-round!

Much love from Ghana! 💓💛💚

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Powell's, you are so nice! It was no accident we bumped into each other in the airport. I have asked our team in Ghana to contact you and organize a day trip to see our work on the islands at the mouth of the Volta River!


Weeks 74-78 - Safari & Homeward Bound

  Well, it seems as though the last 4 weeks have flown by! Not to mention the last 18 months! All in all and looking back, the time has pass...