Sunday, October 1, 2023

Week 37 - Angel Moroni & General Conference

 Our office window faces the Accra Ghana Temple.  Even though our windows are generally dirty and stained between the glass, we still have an awesome view!  Last week, Angel Moroni had a very busy time!

It all started with scaffolding being put up all around him.  We glanced out regularly to see how things were coming along, sometimes horrified at the fact that no one was wearing safety harnesses at all.  But also wishing we were the one laying on the scaffolding, looking up into the sky and completely at rest. ;)


Once all the scaffolding was in place, the statue was covered completely in tarps, in preparation for the artists to begin their magic!  


When Moroni was finally unveiled, it was AWESOME!!  He was shining so brightly with a fresh coat of gold leafing.  We spoke with the artists and they told us it will not have to be redone for 50 yrs!  This will stand the test of time for years to come. 


Twice a year we are privileged to listen to General Conference, receiving messages of hope, love, counsel and guidance, but most importantly, remembering our convenant relationship with the Father and the Son.  This year has been no exception!  We have loved listening to all but the last session so far.  Since the timing is off a little, we watch in the late afternoon and evening rather than morning and afternoon.  We are so grateful to have fairly reliable technology here in Ghana that allows us this blessing.  Occasionally, the internet will pause and spin and spin.  When the words resume, we are so grateful!

We hope you can also enjoy the great messages from General Conference!  

Some of my favorite take-aways so far:
  • Serve diligently, faithfully and quietly in the path of our duty.  
  • No matter our circumstances, because of Jesus Christ, everything will work out. 
  • Be valiant for the sake of your posterity.
  • Reach out, find, nourish and show compassion to others. 
  • We must not just know something... we must become something.
  • Our covenants are not just transactional. They are transformational.
  • Act in ways/circumstances that are consistent with our beliefs.  
  • We have opportunity to learn the most during difficult times.  
  • Christ heals, rescues and redeems us.  As disciples of Christ, we help and care for each other.  
  • Senior missionary couples are needed.  The most important thing is desire. Promise: As we serve, we will feel the love of the Lord.  Peace and love will be multiplied in the lives of our children and grandchildren.  
  • We will never be happier than we are grateful.  When nothing is expected and everything is appreciated, we find true happiness.  
  • Let pride be swallowed up in a greater conviction, that God is in charge and will gently lead us.  
  • See others through a lens of love.  Direction matters more than speed.  If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.  
  • Be one in Christ.  Build bridges not walls.  We are all equal in our imperfect state and in our ability to grow and progress.
  • We may become broken and blinded along our journey.  No matter what, the Savior invites us to again walk with Him.  If we tether ourselves to Christ, we are walking the covenant path.  
  • Peaceable followers of Jesus Christ experience unique challenges.  Bad things happen to good people.  Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. 
  • Jesus Christ is our strength.  Have the courage to repent, receive forgiveness and enter back on the path with Jesus Christ.  
I'm so grateful for living prophets and apostles who guide, direct, encourage and love us along the covenant path.  #soblessed


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