- 44 degrees every morning with a high of 64 in the daytime
- Everything was so much cheaper than Ghana!
- Friendly people, great food, interesting!
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Week 49 & 50 - Christmas Thoughts, Winding down & Morocco
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Week 48 - Doing Good, Hearing Good...Looking for God
In the 10.5 months we have been in Ghana, I have seen SO much GOOD! In a continent where there is huge poverty and difficult living conditions, it can be easy to see the negative side of life here.
In 2022, the extreme poverty rate in Africa stood at around 50 percent among the rural population, compared to 10 percent in urban areas. Together with poverty, malnutrition is also widespread in Africa. Limited access to food leads to low health conditions, increasing the poverty risk.
In 2023, 46 percent of the continent's rural population was living on less than $1.90 U.S. dollars a day.
I'm grateful to see the GOOD being done here in the Africa West Area. One of our responsibilites for work here, is to oversee the contracts for humanitarian efforts. We have humanitarian missionaries and employees, who go around looking for opportunities to do good. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds homes, schools, classrooms, sanitation stations, boreholes for clean water, toilet facilities, does renovations for hospitals and other medical facilities... I could go on and on. In short, there is SO much GOOD being done around the world!
Here is one of the more recent humanitarian efforts. Click on this link to read the story. And here is a great video with our Area President, Gifford Nielsen sharing his fun personality and words of kindness to the orphanage.
Church of Jesus Christ Renovates Buildings at Orphanage in Tamale, Ghana
3,692 humanitarian projects in 2022
$1.02 billion in expenditures
6,300,000 hours volunteered
190 countries and territories served
As we drive through the crowded streets of Ghana, it can feel overwhelming at times. At every stop light, there are many people begging at the windows for something to eat, adults and children. We carry crackers and snacks in the car, but these meager handouts can all be gone in a matter of minutes. The other day I was sitting at a stoplight and had nothing else to give. I rolled my window down to greet the men in makeshift wheelchairs, asking for something, anything. I had nothing, but wanted to share this moment with them anyway. I asked them if they had a song for me. This beautiful man began to sing from his heart about Jesus Christ, saying that God had given him the words to the song (only got a couple of seconds on video). It was so touching and left me full of love for humankind. The world can be a beautiful place, despite the hunger and sadness that seem endless.
“. . . seek, and ye shall find . . .” Matthew 7:7We’re told to look for God in many places—in the scriptures, in our daily prayers, in our weekly worship—but God is everywhere. His presence surrounds us. Once we realize this, we can begin to learn how to find Him in our daily lives. Consider ways you can find him in your life, no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going.
See your world through the lens of gratitude
An easy way to celebrate His presence in your life is to find reasons to be grateful. Search for things to be thankful for throughout your day—even if they may seem small and silly at first. Maybe you snagged a great parking space at the store. Maybe you found the perfect birthday gift for a friend. Or perhaps it was something as simple as your favorite song playing on the radio this morning. Keep a journal of these daily victories and you’ll be amazed by how quickly the pages fill up.
Thomas S. Monson said, “Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love.” When we find time to pay attention and thank God for the little joys in our lives, we will be much more aware of His presence, of the small ways He blesses us every day.
Seek His glory in the beauty of nature
“In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.” Psalm 95:4–5
Nature has its own spirit, it’s own quiet sense of majesty. Take time to celebrate the beauty of God’s wonders that are right outside your door. Whether you explore the wildness of the mountains or simply care for the houseplant on your windowsill, there’s grace to be found in every natural creation of God.
Feel His presence as you serve your fellow man
There are few better ways to find God than in service. When you serve others, you will feel His love and presence and how proud He is of your desire to help people. This will also let you share His love with others—they will see His spirit through you.
This can mean working in a soup kitchen or local homeless shelter—but don’t forget about the small, daily acts of service. You can sprinkle little kindnesses throughout your day by helping someone with their groceries or letting an overwhelmed parent cut ahead of you in line. Little acts of love are the best way to bring God’s light into the lives of others.
Search for His spirit in moments of stillness
The world rushes by so quickly. With everything from school and work to family and friends, it can often feel like you don’t have time to breathe and remember God—but it’s in those small, quiet moments that we feel Him the most. Allow yourself moments of stillness throughout the day, taking the time to search for His presence. You’ll find that He can be found in the most unexpected places.
“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
Sending LOVE and joyous wishes for a beautiful Christmas Holiday!
Monday, December 11, 2023
Week 47 - MTC Caroling, DMV, and late Thanksgiving Dinner
Photo Dump
Last Monday evening, the senior missionaries were invited to an open house munch & mingle event at the Emerald City (what we all lovingly/envy-ingly call the gated living accomodations directly behind the Temple complex and Area Offices, that houses the area presidency members, the Director of Temporal Affairs, and the current Area Legal Counsel - our boss). Everyone brought something sweet or savory to share. It was fun to see their homes decorated festively for our upcoming Christmas holiday (we have nothing in our apartment for festive decoration). Good music, good food, good conversation and more were the theme of the evening.
After all the mingling, about 40 of us senior missionaries headed over to the MTC, which is literally next door to the Emerald City and Temple complex. The night air was humid and hot. After arriving in the courtyard of the MTC, we began to sing. Slowly, the young missionaries began to recognize the singing and began coming from all over. We sang for at least 30 min, everyone joining in! The missionaries loved it, even getting a little rowdy and letting loose. It was fun to watch them all!
My favorite conversation went like this:
Weeks 74-78 - Safari & Homeward Bound
Well, it seems as though the last 4 weeks have flown by! Not to mention the last 18 months! All in all and looking back, the time has pass...
Well, it seems as though the last 4 weeks have flown by! Not to mention the last 18 months! All in all and looking back, the time has pass...
It is becoming more and more obvious to me that time is flying by at an alarming speed!! It was just the beginning of April and General Conf...
One thing about Ghana and maybe Africa in general, the music fills the air everywhere you go! One of the things I will miss most here in Gha...