Sunday, December 17, 2023

Week 48 - Doing Good, Hearing Good...Looking for God


In the 10.5 months we have been in Ghana, I have seen SO much GOOD!  In a continent where there is huge poverty and difficult living conditions, it can be easy to see the negative side of life here. 

In 2022, the extreme poverty rate in Africa stood at around 50 percent among the rural population, compared to 10 percent in urban areas. Together with poverty, malnutrition is also widespread in Africa. Limited access to food leads to low health conditions, increasing the poverty risk. 

In 2023, 46 percent of the continent's rural population was living on less than $1.90 U.S. dollars a day.

I'm grateful to see the GOOD being done here in the Africa West Area.  One of our responsibilites for work here, is to oversee the contracts for humanitarian efforts.  We have humanitarian missionaries and employees, who go around looking for opportunities to do good.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds homes, schools, classrooms, sanitation stations, boreholes for clean water, toilet facilities, does renovations for hospitals and other medical facilities... I could go on and on.  In short, there is SO much GOOD being done around the world!

Here is one of the more recent humanitarian efforts.  Click on this link to read the story.  And here is a great video with our Area President, Gifford Nielsen sharing his fun personality and words of kindness to the orphanage.

Church of Jesus Christ Renovates Buildings at Orphanage in Tamale, Ghana


  1. Hello Powells, This is Blaine Hales. I am Jared Pinegars business partner. My wife Sue and I just got our mission call to Ghana, Accra yesterday. We will be working in the mission office. We enter the MTC on April 1st. We are looking forward to meeting you both.

    1. We are so excited to meet you both! You will love Ghana! Let us know how we can help with any questions you may have! Feel free to text at 801.885.3688


Weeks 74-78 - Safari & Homeward Bound

  Well, it seems as though the last 4 weeks have flown by! Not to mention the last 18 months! All in all and looking back, the time has pass...