This past week we had another Ghana holiday - Constitution Day. We are always excited to have a day off and sleep in! It is quite a luxury these days and we love it!
Constitution Day is to commemorate the establishment of a new constitution for the fourth republic of Ghana in January 1993, popularly known as the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. After the first three constitutions were made meaningless by military coups, the fourth constitution was adopted after a referendum held on April 28, 1992, and established on 7 January 1993. This day is thus celebrated each year to celebrate the effort to maintain and sustain the fourth republic over the years and the birthing of the 1992 constitution of Ghana.
It is sometimes ridiculously easy to take for granted the rights and privileges we enjoy because of the blood, sweat and tears of many who have gone before us... paving the way for a better society and life, all around.
Living abroad continues to open our eyes and improve our vision! These experiences make us really see and appreciate the many freedoms we have and hold on a regular basis, something others do not enjoy.
“We the People”, one of the most important declarations ever written. Seldom has a phrase engendered so much positive feeling and emotion for so many people...
for people around the world. It begins a process of defining individual freedoms and liberty, over oppressive forms of power, which has defined governments."
It feels good to be part of a "people" who are doing something good in the world! Trying to support one another, love one another and do our best to understand each other.
"Unity does not require sameness, but it does require harmony. We can have our hearts knit together in love, be one in faith and doctrine, and still cheer for different teams, disagree on various political issues, debate about goals and the right way to achieve them, and many other such things. But we can never disagree or contend with anger or contempt for one another."
"Lesson - there are times when just doing what is right, at the moment, given the circumstances, is far better than doing nothing or doing something for all the other reasons one could come up with, including being politically correct which was not a concept our founders were familiar with."
"Lesson - the creators of the constitution were aware that they were not designing a perfect or flawless document for all time. They would do their best with the knowledge, experience, intuition, and foresight they possessed at the time. Today, we have 20/20 hindsight and it is far too easy to criticize them for what they did or did not do."
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father … in heaven is perfect. With that concluding imperative, we want to go back to bed and pull the covers over our head. Such celestial goals seem beyond our reach. Yet surely the Lord would never give us a commandment He knew we could not keep. Except for Jesus, there have been no flawless performances on this earthly journey we are pursuing, so while in mortality let’s strive for steady improvement without obsessing over what behavioral scientists call “toxic perfectionism."
I believe it is all too easy to beat ourselves up, discounting the good things we do, because we didn't do them perfectly. We are all trying and doing our best! We will make mistakes, but we just get back up and do better the next time! It is way easier to show grace, kindness and love than to criticize, blame and destroy.
"Much like the Constitution helped shape the future of America, your personal constitution will help shape your future. Do for yourself what the founding fathers did for this country.
Personal Constitution - a pathway built on the values that you refuse to compromise on, and it moves you in the clear direction you’ve chosen.
To this day, the US Constitution is the one document that holds everything together. When other aspects of the law can’t figure something out, the Supreme Court will make their decision based on this foundational and hard-to-change document.
Imagine having something like this for your own life: A set of values and goals you hold yourself accountable to and cannot compromise on.
When you face the tough decisions we always run into as we manage our careers and develop our personal lives, you can always base your decisions on the contents of your personal constitution. Written well, it will help to guide you toward the right decision and ensure you don’t step off the right track."
I have written and re-written my own Personal Mission Statement. It will always be a growing, changing statement. There are some elements that will remain very constant, and other elements that will be improved upon, as I grow, change and hopefully improve myself every day. Thank you for the grace you show me, I as learn to do and be better a better me!!
Much love and appreciation for your influence in my life!! 💗💛💚
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